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Togo issued this stamp as part of a set commemorating the 545th anniversary of Michelangelo's birth. The stamp reproduces his fresco The Last Judgment in the Sistine Chapel. Dante is barely visible in the upper right quarter (circled here in green).…

This postage stamp was issued by the United States to commemorate the 700th anniversary of Dante's birth. The stamp was designed by American artist Douglas W. Gorsline and features a portrait of Dante holding a book labeled "Dante"; in the background…

This air mail postage stamp issued by Uruguay in 1966 features a modern portrait of Dante in the style of a medal. The stamp was designed by Medina and printed by the Impresora Nacional.

This stamp issued by Uruguay features a design by Daniel Pereyra of Dante and Virgil watching Charon in his boat on the River Acheron from Inferno 3:82–84. The stamp has "700 AÑOS DE DANTE" (700 years of Dante) at the top and "$75 URUGUAY" at the…

This set of four stamps was issued by Vatican City to commemorate the 700th anniversary of Dante's birth. The 10-lire stamp is based on the portrait of Dante in Raphael's fresco Disputation of the Holy Sacrament in the Apostolic Palace in Vatican…

This postage stamp was issued as part of a joint issue with Italy and San Marino for the Giornata della Lingua Italiana (Celebration Day of the Italian Language) in 2009. It depicts a scene from the beginning of Inferno in which Dante (accompanied by…

This stamp was issued by Vatican City to commemorate the 700th anniversary of Dante's death. The stamp, designed by Gabriele Dell'Otto, shows Saint Peter and Dante from Paradiso 24 and has text as follows: in the top right corner: "Dante Alighieri /…

This postcard is a photographic reproduction of an 1883 painting by Russian Romantic artist Ivan Aivazovsky (1817–1900) showing Dante on a mountain pointing skyward. The card has a caption in Russian: "И.К. АЙВАЗОВСКІЙ – ДАНТЕ АЮБУЕТСЯ ОБЯАКАМН."…

This postcard features an illustration (Il saluto di Beatrice) by A. del Senno of Beatric greeting Dante. On the verso, the card has a quotation in Italian from Dante's Vita nuova (3:1): "'...E passando per una via volse gli occhi verso quella parte…

This postcard features an illustration (Dante e Beatrice) by Olivotto of Beatrice greeting Dante with the city of Florence in the the distance.

This stamp poster was distributed by the U.S. Post Office Department to advertise the 1965 Dante commemorative stamp. The poster would have been displayed in post offices and gives a brief overview of the stamp and instructions to collectors on how…

This poster stamp, probably issued in late 1919 or 1920, honors the Prima Armata (First Army), a division of the Italian Army responsible during World War I for the area around the Italian-Swiss-Austro-Hungarian border. The stamp depicts Cesare…

This poster stamp was issued by the Austrian branch of French cigarette rolling paper company Abadie, probably in the 1930s, and is part of a series of stamps depicting poets. The Viennese factory, Abadie Papiergesellschaft A.G., opened in 1909 and…

This poster stamp was issued by Carlo Belloni of Milan and features a paraphrase from Inferno 33:80, "Italia! Il bel paese dove il sì suona......" (Italy! The beautiful country where the "sì" is heard......) followed by the propagandistic phrase "È…

This poster stamp was issued by Bertieri & Vanzetti of Milan and features the Naples Bust of Dante and a propaganda slogan. The stamp has text as follows: "ITALIANI / DATE LA PREFERENZA / ALLE INDUSTRIE / NAZIONALI" (Italians give preference to…

This poster stamp features a left-facing portrait of Dante within a decorative floral background with the faces of three putti. Below the portrait is text as follows: "DANTE-ALIGHIERI / 1265~1321". The version overprinted in blue has "BUDAPEST" and…

This poster stamp commemorates the 600th anniversary of Dante's visit to San Gimignano as an ambassador from Florence as well as the death of Blessed Bartolo in 1300. The stamp shows the coat of arms of San Gimignano above a portrait of Bartolo and…

This set of poster stamps was issued around 1903 to promote a loan program benefiting the Cassa nazionale di previdenza per la invalidità e la vecchiaia degli operai (National Insurance Fund for the Disability and Old Age of Workers) and the Società…

This poster stamp was issued by the Comitato centrale antiblasfemo di Verona (Central Antiblasphemy Committe of Verona) after 1930. In that year, Italy enacted Article 724 of the Penal Code, making it an offense to publicly blaspheme against the…

This poster stamp, likely from around 1920, is in the style of Delandre, pseudonym of Gaston Fontanille, and may have been issued by him.The stamp depicts Cesare Zocchi's 1896 monument to Dante in Trent with the flag of the Kingdom of Italy…

This poster stamp was issued by Gaston Fontanille under the pseudonym "Delandre." Fontanille used a variety of pseudonyms to produce almost countless cinderella and poster stamps, books, catalogs, posters, and other materials—sometimes under…

This gold-colored, embossed poster stamp was issued by Edizioni Fascio in Bologna, Italy, to commemorate the 600th anniversary of Dante's death in 1921. Malorzo records two versions: type "a" has a right-facing portrait of Dante with dates "MCCCXXI -…

This poster stamp is part of a set of two stamps commemorating the Esposizione regionale romagnola (Romagna Regional Exposition) held in Ravenna, Italy, from May to June 1904. The stamp shows Dante's tomb in Ravenna, designed by architect Camillo…

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This poster stamp features Giotto's portrait of Dante embossed in gold on a dark blue background with a fleur-de-lis in each corner and surrounded by text as follows: "GIORNATA DELLA DANTE ALIGHIERI" (Dante Alighieri Day). Based on its style, the…


This poster stamp was issued in 1921 for the Kiállítás Budapest (Budapest Exhibition). The stamp depicts a scene showing Dante and two other figures within a circular frame and has text as follows: in the upper corners: "1321 / 1921"; around the…

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This poster stamp was issued by the publisher Langenscheidt to advertise a series of phrasebooks that were part of the Toussaint-Langenscheidt language-learning method. The stamp shows Dante, representing the Italian language, sitting on a bench…

This poster stamp was issued for the "Manifestazioni culturali della gioventù europea" (cultural events for European youth). Held June 18–30, 1942, in Weimar and Florence, the meeting brought together members of the national fascist youth movements…

This poster stamp was issued in 1915 as part of a large series promoting the Italian irredentist campaign to annex the cities of Trent and Trieste and surrounding regions back to Italy. The stamp depicts Cesare Zocchi's 1896 monument to Dante in…
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