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  • Tags: Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato (Rome, Italy)

This set of three stamps issued by Italy commemorates the 700th anniversary of Dante's death. Poste Italiane describes the stamps as follows: Inferno: "[P]articolare di un'opera del pittore Corrado Veneziano dal titolo 'L'Inferno, evocando…

This stamp is part of a set of eight celebrating 90 years of Mickey Mouse in Italy (1928–2018). The set is the 33rd issue in the series "Le Eccellenze del sistema produttivo ed economico" (The excellencies of the productive and economic system).The…

This postage stamp was issued as part of a joint issue with Italy and San Marino for the Giornata della Lingua Italiana (Celebration Day of the Italian Language) in 2009. It depicts a scene from the beginning of Inferno in which Dante (accompanied by…

This postage stamp was issued as part of a joint issue with Italy and Vatican City for the Giornata della Lingua Italiana (Celebration Day of the Italian Language) in 2009. It depicts a scene from the beginning of Inferno in which Dante (accompanied…

This postage stamp was issued as part of a joint issue with San Marino and Vatican City for the Giornata della Lingua Italiana (Celebration Day of the Italian Language) in 2009. It is also the fourth issue in the Festival internazionale della…

This postage stamp is the 25th in a series issued to commemorate the Giornata della Filatelia (Philately Day). In the center of the stamp is a reproduction of the 1965 Italian 500-lire postage stamp showing the Naples Bust of Dante. The background…

This postage stamp was issued to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Accademia di studi italo-tedeschi/Akademie Deutsch-Italienischer Studien in Merano, Italy. The stamp shows the academy's logo consisting of overlapping profile…

This postage stamp celebrates the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Società Dante Alighieri in 1889. The stamp shows a bust of Dante (based on the Naples Bust), an open book, and a globe, symbolizing the goals of the society in spreading…

This postage stamp was issued as part of a four-stamp set celebrating Italian piazzas. The stamp shows Piazza dei Signori (also known as Piazza Dante) in Verona. In the center of the piazza is a statue of Dante sculpted by Ugo Zannoni and erected in…
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