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This postage stamp was issued for pneumatic mail and features an image of the Naples Bust of Dante. Below the portrait is "DANTE ALIGHIERI". To the right of the portrait is text as follows: "ITALIA / POSTA / PNEUMATICA / CENT. 60" (Italy, pneumatic…

This set of four postage stamps was issued to celebrate the 700th anniversary of Dante's birth. Three of the stamps each depict a scene apiece from one of the parts of the Divina commedia: Inferno, Purgatorio, or Paradiso. The fourth stamp shows the…

This series of postage stamps—issued during the 1972 UNESCO International Book Year—commemorates the 500th anniversary of the printing of the first three editions of Dante's Divina commedia.1 The first edition was printed in Foligno by Johann…

This postage stamp was issued as part of a four-stamp set celebrating Italian piazzas. The stamp shows Piazza dei Signori (also known as Piazza Dante) in Verona. In the center of the piazza is a statue of Dante sculpted by Ugo Zannoni and erected in…

This postage stamp celebrates the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Società Dante Alighieri in 1889. The stamp shows a bust of Dante (based on the Naples Bust), an open book, and a globe, symbolizing the goals of the society in spreading…

This postage stamp was issued to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Accademia di studi italo-tedeschi/Akademie Deutsch-Italienischer Studien in Merano, Italy. The stamp shows the academy's logo consisting of overlapping profile…

This postage stamp was issued as part of a joint issue with San Marino and Vatican City for the Giornata della Lingua Italiana (Celebration Day of the Italian Language) in 2009. It is also the fourth issue in the Festival internazionale della…

This postage stamp is the 25th in a series issued to commemorate the Giornata della Filatelia (Philately Day). In the center of the stamp is a reproduction of the 1965 Italian 500-lire postage stamp showing the Naples Bust of Dante. The background…

This stamp is part of a set of eight celebrating 90 years of Mickey Mouse in Italy (1928–2018). The set is the 33rd issue in the series "Le Eccellenze del sistema produttivo ed economico" (The excellencies of the productive and economic system).The…

This set of three stamps issued by Italy commemorates the 700th anniversary of Dante's death. Poste Italiane describes the stamps as follows: Inferno: "[P]articolare di un'opera del pittore Corrado Veneziano dal titolo 'L'Inferno, evocando…

This postage stamp was issued by Kyrgyz Express Post and shows a detail of Henry Holiday's 1884 painting Dante and Beatrice. In the upper left corner is the denomination; in the upper right corner is the logo of Kyrgyz Express Post; vertically, along…

Liechtenstein issued a set of two stamps to honor Dante. Koninklijke Joh. Enschedé of Haarlem, Netherlands, printed the stamps using the steel engraving process to reproduce the original pen and ink drawings of Swiss designer Thomas Giger. One stamp…

This set of three stamps, designed by Emvin Cremona, was issued by Malta to commemorate the 700th anniversary of Dante's birth. Each stamp features Raphael's portrait of Dante from the artist's fresco Disputation of the Holy Sacrament in the…

This air mail postage stamp was issued by Mexico to commemorate the 700th anniversary of Dante's birth. The stamp features a portrait of Dante based on the portrait in Raphael's fresco painting The Parnassus. The stamp has text as follows: at the…

This set of five postage stamps was issued by Monaco to celebrate the 700th anniversary of Dante's birth. While the stamps are dated 1965, they were not issued until February 1, 1966. All of the stamps were designed by P. Lambert and the subjects are…

This set of three postage stamps was issued by Monaco to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the establishment of a committee of the Società Dante Alighieri in the principality. The stamps feature portraits of three famous Italians: Niccolò…

Monaco issued this postage stamp to commemorate the 750th anniversary of Dante’s birth. The stamp features two angels and a portrait of Dante and has text as follows: at the top: “1,90€ MONACO”; and at the bottom: “Dante Alighieri 1265 - 1321”. The…

Mozambique issued this stamp as part of a set celebrating the artwork of Russian painter Ivan Aivazovsky. The stamp reproduces his painting Dante Shows an Artist Some Unusual Clouds. The stamp has text as follows: at the top: "IVAN AIVAZOVSKY…

This air mail postage stamp was issued by Panama a year after the 700th anniversary of Dante's birth and features Giotto's portrait of the poet. The stamp has text as follows: vertically, along the left side: "PANAMA"; vertically, along the right…

This set of two postage stamps was issued by Paraguay in 1966 as part of an 8-stamp set celebrating four world authors (Dante Alighieri, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Molière, and William Shakespeare). The Dante stamps show a monochrome version of…

Part of a series of stamps issued by Paraguay in 1973 depicting Florentine paintings, this air mail stamp shows a detail from Domenico di Michelino's La commedia illumina Firenze (The Comedy Illuminates Florence). Michelino's fifteenth-century fresco…

Romania issued this postage stamp as part of a series of six celebrating major cultural anniversaries of 1965. The stamps in the series feature portraits of five men in addition to Dante: Anton Bacalbașa, Ion Bianu, Vasile Conta, Horace, and Jean…

This stamp was issued by the Soviet Union (Russia) to commemorate the 700th anniversary of Dante's birth. The stamp shows a portrait of the poet with text as follows: in the upper right corner: "4 к"; and at the bottom: "1265 1321 / ДАНТЕ / ПОЧТА…

This set of four postage stamps was issued by San Marino to celebrate the 700th anniversary of Dante's birth. The stamps feature the following illustrations by Gustave Doré: portrait of Dante (LIRE 40; engraved by Z. Vannelli); "Charon and the River…

This postage stamp was issued as part of a joint issue with Italy and Vatican City for the Giornata della Lingua Italiana (Celebration Day of the Italian Language) in 2009. It depicts a scene from the beginning of Inferno in which Dante (accompanied…

The Republic of San Marino issued three stamps designed by Davide Pagliardini in a print run of 30,000. The stamps feature quotations from Dante's Inferno: "Amor ch'a nullo amato amar perdona" (Love, which pardons no one loved from loving in return),…

This postage stamp was issued by São Tomé and Príncipe as part of a series to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the death of Eugène Delacroix. The stamp reproduces his first major painting, Dante et Virgile aux enfers (known in English as The…

Issued by Sierra Leone as part of a series to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the Musée du Louvre, this postage stamp reproduces a detail from French Romantic painter Eugène Delacroix's first major painting, Dante et Virgile aux enfers (known in…

This set of six postage stamps was issued by Poste Magistrali, the postal arm of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM), a sovereign, Roman Catholic order of chivalry. The set is SMOM issue number 472, "Capolavori della letteratura"…

The Sovereign Military Order of Malta—recognized as a stamp-issuing body by the Sassone catalog—was the first entity to issue Dante stamps in 2021. The first stamp shows an anonymous illustration of Mount Purgatory found in a fifteenth-century…
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