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This cancellation features a right-facing portrait of Dante surrounded by the phrase "65oCONGRESSO INT.LE-SOCIETÀ DANTE ALIGHIERI" (65th International Congress - Società Dante Alighieri).

This square cancellation was created for the "5A MOSTRA FILATELICA NAZIONALE" (5th National Philatelic Exhibition). In addition to that text, the cancellation features a left-facing portrait of Dante and the following text: "38100 TRENTO C.P.",…

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This rectangular cancellation features Dante's tomb in Ravenna to the left of a text box: "RAVENNA / 1321 – 1971 / 650o / ANNIVERSARIO / MORTE DI DANTE".

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This circular cancellation features a portrait of Dante looking over his left shoulder with text to the left: "OMAGGIO / A DANTE / ALIGHIERI / 1265 - 1321" (Homage to Dante Alighieri).

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This circular cancellation features a portrait of Dante surrounded by text: "BONN 1", "'Dante'~GEDENK~MARKE", "ERSTAUSG.", and "53".

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This circular cancellation features a right-facing portrait of Dante based on the portrait by Gustave Doré surrounded by text advertising the "MUESTRA FILATÉLICA Y NUMISMÁTICA / 70 AÑOS ASOCIACIÓN DANTE ALIGHIERI" (Philatelic and Numismatic…

This postcard features an illustration (Dante e Beatrice) by Olivotto of Beatrice greeting Dante with the city of Florence in the the distance.

This postcard features an illustration (Il saluto di Beatrice) by A. del Senno of Beatric greeting Dante. On the verso, the card has a quotation in Italian from Dante's Vita nuova (3:1): "'...E passando per una via volse gli occhi verso quella parte…

This postcard is a photographic reproduction of an 1883 painting by Russian Romantic artist Ivan Aivazovsky (1817–1900) showing Dante on a mountain pointing skyward. The card has a caption in Russian: "И.К. АЙВАЗОВСКІЙ – ДАНТЕ АЮБУЕТСЯ ОБЯАКАМН."…

This postage stamp was issued as part of a four-stamp set celebrating Italian piazzas. The stamp shows Piazza dei Signori (also known as Piazza Dante) in Verona. In the center of the piazza is a statue of Dante sculpted by Ugo Zannoni and erected in…

This envelope, printed by Exito, is an example of stationery used by the Asociación Dante Alighieri in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in the 1970s. The association is a cultural institution devoted to Italian language and culture. The envelope was…

This set of four stamps was issued by Vatican City to commemorate the 700th anniversary of Dante's birth. The 10-lire stamp is based on the portrait of Dante in Raphael's fresco Disputation of the Holy Sacrament in the Apostolic Palace in Vatican…

This series of postage stamps—issued during the 1972 UNESCO International Book Year—commemorates the 500th anniversary of the printing of the first three editions of Dante's Divina commedia.1 The first edition was printed in Foligno by Johann…

This postage stamp was issued for pneumatic mail and features an image of the Naples Bust of Dante. Below the portrait is "DANTE ALIGHIERI". To the right of the portrait is text as follows: "ITALIA / POSTA / PNEUMATICA / CENT. 60" (Italy, pneumatic…

This stamp features the statue of Dante sculpted by Enrico Pazzi and erected in Piazza Santa Croce in Florence, Italy, in 1865. The statue is distinguished by the sweeping mantle which Dante holds closed and by the eagle perched behind the poet's…

This stamp was issued by the Soviet Union (Russia) to commemorate the 700th anniversary of Dante's birth. The stamp shows a portrait of the poet with text as follows: in the upper right corner: "4 к"; and at the bottom: "1265 1321 / ДАНТЕ / ПОЧТА…
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