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These are the first postage stamps ever issued that feature Dante and the first Italian postage stamps to feature an author.1 One of the first descriptions of these stamps is perhaps the best: the following account appeared in the October 1, 1921,…

This cancellation mirrors the 2011 Italian postage stamp for the "GIORNATA DELLA FILATELIA" (Philately Day) designed by Gaetano Ieluzzo. The cancellation reproduces the 1965 Italian 500-lire postage stamp showing the Naples Bust of Dante; the Italian…

This postage stamp is the 25th in a series issued to commemorate the Giornata della Filatelia (Philately Day). In the center of the stamp is a reproduction of the 1965 Italian 500-lire postage stamp showing the Naples Bust of Dante. The background…

This postage stamp was issued to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Accademia di studi italo-tedeschi/Akademie Deutsch-Italienischer Studien in Merano, Italy. The stamp shows the academy's logo consisting of overlapping profile…

This postage stamp celebrates the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Società Dante Alighieri in 1889. The stamp shows a bust of Dante (based on the Naples Bust), an open book, and a globe, symbolizing the goals of the society in spreading…

These stamps were issued by Italy as part of two series (a regular issue with ten stamps and an air mail issue with six stamps) for the "Proclamation of the Empire" featuring prominent Italians and other propaganda imagery. The three Dante stamps…

Issued by Sierra Leone as part of a series to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the Musée du Louvre, this postage stamp reproduces a detail from French Romantic painter Eugène Delacroix's first major painting, Dante et Virgile aux enfers (known in…

This air mail postage stamp issued by Uruguay in 1966 features a modern portrait of Dante in the style of a medal. The stamp was designed by Medina and printed by the Impresora Nacional.

This postage stamp was issued for pneumatic mail and features an image of the Naples Bust of Dante. Below the portrait is "DANTE ALIGHIERI". To the right of the portrait is text as follows: "REGNO D'ITALIA / POSTA / PNEVMATICA / CENT. 15" (Kingdom of…

This postage stamp was issued by Guinea as part of a series of nine stamps celebrating the French Romantic painter Eugène Delacroix. The stamp reproduces a detail from his first major painting, Dante et Virgile aux enfers (known in English as The…

This set of five air mail postage stamps was issued by Guatemala in 1969. The stamps feature a portrait of Dante surrounded by imagery representing hell. Each stamp has the same text, except for denomination, as follows: at the top: "GUATEMALA /…

Issued by Grenada as part of a series to commemorate the turn of the millennium, this postage stamp portrays Dante as he finishes writing the Divina commedia. At the top of the stamp is a caption as follows: "Dante completes The Divine Comedy 1321".…

This postage stamp was issued by Germany in 1971 to commemorate the 650th anniversary of Dante's death. The stamp features Raphael's portrait of Dante from the artist's fresco Disputation of the Holy Sacrament in the Apostolic Palace in Vatican City.…

This series of maximum cards was issued by KimCover (KimCover Art Gallery of Vatican Stamps, no. 36–39) for the Vatican City postage stamps of 1965. Each card reproduces its respective stamp within a decorative frame. At the top of each frame is…

This stamp was issued by the German Democratic Republic (East Germany) to commemorate the 700th anniversary of Dante's birth and features a posterized version of Giotto's portrait of the poet. Along the bottom and right side of the stamp is text as…

This set of three postage stamps was issued by Ecuador to celebrate the 700th anniversary of Dante's birth, however the stamps were not issued until June 1966. The 10-centavos stamp shows a posterized version of Dante Gabriel Rossetti's 1871…

This series of maximum cards was issued by Stampa Filatelica (Golden Series, no. 104–107; series supervised by Vittorio Lo Bianco) for the Vatican City postage stamps of 1965. The first card (no. 104), like the stamp, shows Raphael's portrait of…

This set of four postage stamps was issued to celebrate the 700th anniversary of Dante's birth. Three of the stamps each depict a scene apiece from one of the parts of the Divina commedia: Inferno, Purgatorio, or Paradiso. The fourth stamp shows the…

This first day cover was designed by Charles R. Chickering and issued by Gladys Jackson's Jackson Cover Service (New York, New York). Chickering retired from the Bureau of Engraving and Printing in 1962 after a fifteen-year career there as a stamp…

This stamp was issued by Cambodia as part of a series celebrating the 500th anniversary of the birth of the painter Raphael. The stamp features a detail from Raphael's painting The Parnassus showing the poets Dante, Homer, and Virgil. The stamp has…

This postage stamp was issued to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the birth of the French Romantic painter Eugène Delacroix and reproduces a detail from his first major painting, Dante et Virgile aux enfers (known in English as The Barque of…

Issued as part of a series to commemorate the turn of the millennium, this postage stamp portrays Dante's lifelong love and muse, Beatrice Portinari, against an Italian landscape with a quotation in English from the Vita nuova (19:11): "So Cupid…

This maximum card, postmarked in February 1967, commemorates the 1966 Uruguay postage stamp honoring Dante. The card's portrait of Dante is a reversed detail from Luca Signorelli's painting in the cathedral of Orvieto, Italy.

This maximum card was issued by Colorano (Series 1965, no. 5) and postmarked in San Francisco on July 17, 1965. The card mimics the 1965 United States postage stamp designed by American painter Douglas Gorsline.

This maximum card was issued by the philatelic group Círculo Filatélico de Liniers and postmarked in Buenos Aires on September 16, 1965. The card features Gustave Doré's portrait of Dante. Below the portrait is a detail from Doré's illustration…

A mixed series of cinderella stamps issued for the benefit of the Società Dante Alighieri and "Pro Emigranti" (for emigrants). The 10-lire stamps feature a right-facing portrait of Dante, a globe, and a ship. The 50-lire stamps feature a left-facing…

This set of poster stamps was issued for the Società Dante Alighieri's 33rd congress held in Treviso-Vittorio, Italy, in 1928. The stamps feature a left-facing portrait of Dante below a sunrise and text as follows: "SOCIETÀ NAZIONALE / 'DANTE…

This set of poster stamps was issued by the Mantua chapter of the Società Dante Alighieri, probably in 1930 when the SDA's 35th congress was held in that city. The stamps depict a scene from the base of Cesare Zocchi's 1896 monument to Dante in Trent…

This series of cinderella stamps was issued for the benefit of the Società Dante Alighieri, Comitato di Santiago-Cile. The stamps show a left-facing portrait of Dante with a ceremonial torch to the right. At the top of the stamps is text as follows:…

These cinderella stamps were issued around 1908 by or for the Società Dante Alighieri, here printed as "Società nazionale Dante Alighieri". A portrait of Dante appears above a quotation from Purgatorio 6:80: "SOL · PER · LO · DOLCE · SVON · DELLA ·…
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