This first day cover's cachet was hand-painted by Herman R. Maul. The cachet shows a smiling devil's head above flames representing hell. The cachet has text as follows: at the top: "DANTE ALIGHIERI / ITALIAN POET / 1265 / 1965"; and at the bottom:…
This first day cover's hand-painted cachet by Bernard Goldberg depicts Dante, crowned with a laurel wreath, against a purple and green background. Beside the cachet is calligraphic text as follows: "Dante / Alighieri / ~1265~1321~ / 'The Divine…
The hand-painted cachets by Nino Masiello da Ercole on these first day covers each reproduce a different common portrait of Dante: one is based on the Naples Bust and the other is based on Gustave Doré's portrait of the poet. Below both cachets is…
This first day cover's hand-painted cachet by Nino Masiello da Ercole depicts a scene from Paradiso 24 in which St. Peter interrogates Dante—accompanied by Beatrice—about the poet's faith. The scene is taken from a miniature by Giovanni di Paolo in…
This first day cover's hand-painted cachet by Nino Masiello da Ercole echoes the 2011 Italy commemorative stamp designed by Gaetano Ieluzzo. The cachet reproduces the 1965 500-lire Italy Dante stamp, the subject of which is the Naples Bust of the…
This first day cover features a hand-painted, add-on cachet by Kathryn O. Hayden of Salt Lake City, Utah. The cachet shows a portrait of Dante wearing a laurel wreath and facing a small, black devil. The cachet was executed in pastels and the…
These first day covers feature hand-painted, add-on cachets by L. Ziola Powell. One cachet depicts a portrait of Dante partly covered by an angel with trumpet above and flames below. The other cachet depicts a portrait of Dante with laurel wreath…
The cachets on these first day covers were hand painted by Ben Kraft. One cachet depicts Dante against a red background next to the phrases "HE GLORIFIED HELL!" and "DANTE 1265–1321". Another depicts Dante against a yellow background facing the devil…
This first day cover's hand-painted cachet by Ralph Dyer depicts Dante, crowned with a laurel wreath, against a background of flames holding a book on which are written the words "Poet", "Soldier", "Writer", and "EXILE". Below the portrait is a…