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This first day cover's cachet is a later (before August 23, 2013) add-on, printed with an inkjet printer. The image reproduces Sandro Botticelli's fifteenth-century portrait now in the Fondation Martin Bodmer in Cologny, Switzerland. Above the…

This first day cover was designed by William Von Ohlen. The all-text cachet gives a very brief biography of Dante as follows:Dante was born in Florence, Italy. His parents died when he was young and Brunetti Latine, a statesman, supervised his…

In 1978, the Postal Commemorative Society of Norwalk, Connecticut, commenced issuing a series of first day covers to be collected in an album titled Norman Rockwell Classics and Historic American Stamps. On the album's title page is the following…

Beginning in the 1960s, prolific collector and cachet maker John Ranto of Hamilton Township, New Jersey, produced first day covers made from postal bulletins and display posters. According to online sales descriptions by Trenton Stamp and Coin,…

The cachet on this first day cover features the portrait of Dante in Raphael's fresco Disputation of the Holy Sacrament in the Apostolic Palace in Vatican City as well as Sandro Botticelli's illustration to Inferno 1 found in a manuscript in the…

The cachet on this first day cover features a large portrait of Dante between two smaller illustrations by Gustave Doré. The illustration on the left is "Arachne" from Purgatorio 12:43–44. The other is "Charon and the River Acheron"…

This first day cover was issued by ALA (no. 70). The cachet shows the portrait of Dante in Raphael's fresco Disputation of the Holy Sacrament in the Apostolic Palace in Vatican City. This is overprinted with Sandro Botticelli's illustration of Dante…

These first day covers were issued by Capitolium (nos. V. 46 and V. 46/a).The cachet for no. V. 46 shows Dante and Beatrice in heaven. In the upper right corner is "1265 / 1965" and at the bottom is the following text: "VII CENTENARIO DELLA NASCITA /…

This first day cover was issued by Filagrano. The cachet shows a full-length portrait of Dante holding a book on which is written the text of Paradiso 1:1–2: "La gloria di colui che tutto muove / per l'universo penetra e risplende" (The glory of Him…

These first day covers were issued by KimCover (nos. 13 and 39/A). Both covers use the same cachet, a version of Sandro Botticelli's illustration of Dante and Beatrice in the heaven of Mercury from Paradiso 6 found in a manuscript volume in the…

These first day covers were issued by Re.Ru. The cachets feature Giotto's portrait of Dante, reversed from the original, surrounded by a decorative frame. Below the portrait is "DANTE ALIGHIERI / 1265 - 1321".

These first day covers were issued by Rodia. One cachet features Sandro Botticelli's illustration of Dante and Beatrice in the heaven of the moon from Paradiso 3 found in a manuscript volume in the Kupferstichkabinett in Berlin known as MS Hamilton…

This first day cover was issued by Roma (Vat. 49). The cachet features Raphael's portrait of Dante from the artist's fresco Disputation of the Holy Sacrament in the Apostolic Palace in Vatican City. The cachet is signed "D. NIZZI" in the area of…

This first day cover likely was issued by Stampa Filatelica. The cachet features a reproduction of an anonymous miniature portrait of Dante from a fifteenth-century manuscript (MS Riccardiano 1040) in the Biblioteca Riccardiana in Florence. Above the…

This first day cover was issued by Tre Stelle. The cachet features Raphael's portrait of Dante from the artist's fresco Disputation of the Holy Sacrament in the Apostolic Palace in Vatican City. Below the portrait is text as follows: "RAFFAELLO.…

These first day covers were issued by Venetia (nos. 87-1/V and 87-2/V).The cachet on 87-1/V features a modern interpretation of Raphael's portrait of Dante from the artist's fresco Disputation of the Holy Sacrament in the Apostolic Palace in Vatican…

This first day cover's hand-painted cachet by Nino Masiello da Ercole depicts a scene from Paradiso 24 in which St. Peter interrogates Dante—accompanied by Beatrice—about the poet's faith. The scene is taken from a miniature by Giovanni di Paolo in…

This is the program from the first day of issue ceremony held for the 1965 United States Dante commemorative stamp. The ceremony and "civic luncheon" were held on Saturday, July 17, 1965, in the Fairmont Hotel's Venetian Room in San Francisco,…

This last day cover was issued by KimCover (no. 56). The cachet shows Sandro Botticelli's illustration of Dante and Beatrice in the heaven of the moon from Paradiso 3 found in a manuscript volume in the Kupferstichkabinett in Berlin known as MS…

These last day covers were issued by KimCover (nos. 39 and 39/A). The cachet for no. 39 shows Giotto's portrait of Dante, reversed from the original, within a gold frame at the top of which is "MCCLXV MCMLXV". Below the cachet is "Dante". The cachet…

This maximum card was issued by the philatelic group Círculo Filatélico de Liniers and postmarked in Buenos Aires on September 16, 1965. The card features Gustave Doré's portrait of Dante. Below the portrait is a detail from Doré's illustration…

This maximum card was issued by Lupita and postmarked in Buenos Aires on September 16, 1965. The cachet features a black and white left-facing portrait of Dante, a quill pen, and three books with titles in Spanish: "LA / DIVINA COMEDIA" (Divine…

This maximum card features a black and white photograph of Raphael's portrait of Dante from the artist's fresco Disputation of the Holy Sacrament in the Apostolic Palace in Vatican City, the 1971 Germany postage stamp commemorating the 650th…

This maximum card was issued by the philatelic group Circolo filatelico fiorentino and postmarked in Florence on October 21, 1965. The card features a portrait of Dante signed "G.P.". Above the portrait is "1265" and "1965" and below is "VIIo…

This maximum card was issued by Golden Italia as "Edizione «Roma» no 769 Italia". The card features a black and white photograph of the Naples Bust of Dante, the 1990 Italy postage stamp commemorating the centenary of the Società Dante Alighieri, and…

This maximum card and cancellation were commissioned for the philatelic exhibition held in Cesena, Italy, from October 29 to November 1, 2011. The theme of the exhibition was "L'Inferno di Dante" (Dante's Inferno) and 34 members of the Centro…

This maximum card was issued by Poste Italiane and features a monochromatic enlarged image of the 2011 Italy postage stamp designed by Gaetano Ieluzzo. The stamp commemorates the "Giornata della filatelia 2011" (Philately Day 2011). In the center of…

Domenico Petarlini's painting Dante in Exile. Issued by Kyrgyz Express Post. Designed by Elnur Isakov. "Maximum Card No 8". Limited to 300 pieces.
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