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Place of cancellation: San Marino, San Marino

The Republic of San Marino issued three stamps designed by Davide Pagliardini in a print run of 30,000. The stamps feature quotations from Dante's Inferno: "Amor ch'a nullo amato amar perdona" (Love, which pardons no one loved from loving in return),…

The Sovereign Military Order of Malta—recognized as a stamp-issuing body by the Sassone catalog—was the first entity to issue Dante stamps in 2021. The first stamp shows an anonymous illustration of Mount Purgatory found in a fifteenth-century…

Liechtenstein issued a set of two stamps to honor Dante. Koninklijke Joh. Enschedé of Haarlem, Netherlands, printed the stamps using the steel engraving process to reproduce the original pen and ink drawings of Swiss designer Thomas Giger. One stamp…

Place of cancellation: Torino, Italy, 10121

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This set of three stamps issued by Italy commemorates the 700th anniversary of Dante's death. Poste Italiane describes the stamps as follows: Inferno: "[P]articolare di un'opera del pittore Corrado Veneziano dal titolo 'L'Inferno, evocando…

This stamp was issued by Vatican City to commemorate the 700th anniversary of Dante's death. The stamp, designed by Gabriele Dell'Otto, shows Saint Peter and Dante from Paradiso 24 and has text as follows: in the top right corner: "Dante Alighieri /…

Designed by Thomas Giger. Printed by Koninklijke Joh. Enschedé, Haarlem, Netherlands.

Cancellation featuring portrait of Dante from Marcello Toninelli's comic strip version of the Divina commedia. Celebrates Cartoon Club Rimini – 37th Festival Internazionale del Cinema d'Animazione, del Fumetto e dei Games (International Festival of…

Portrait of Dante by Sergo Kobuladze, 1950.

This stamp issued by Uruguay features a design by Daniel Pereyra of Dante and Virgil watching Charon in his boat on the River Acheron from Inferno 3:82–84. The stamp has "700 AÑOS DE DANTE" (700 years of Dante) at the top and "$75 URUGUAY" at the…

This miniature sheet shows Sandro Botticelli's fifteenth-century portrait now in the Fondation Martin Bodmer in Cologny, Switzerland. Printed by Sanfer S.R.L. (Montevideo, Uruguay).
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