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This series of seals presumably was produced by or for a local chapter of the Società Dante Alighieri in the 1990s. Each seal features Giotto's portrait of Dante, the letters "SDA" vertically along the left side, and the year at the bottom. The seals…

This poster stamp was issued to commemorate the 600th anniversary of Dante's death in 1921 and shows Dante in the center of a ceremonial wreath holding a copy of the Divina commedia; above the wreath are the coat of arms of Chile on the left and of…

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This cinderella stamp from the fictional nation of P.R. Tongo features Giotto's portrait of Dante.

This poster stamp is no. 4 in the second series of "MARCHE NAZIONALISTE" (nationalist stamps) featuring "ITALIANI ILLUSTRI" (illustrious Italians) issued by U. Marucelli & Co. of Milan. The stamp features a portrait of Dante and a propaganda…

This poster stamp was issued in 1921 for the Kiállítás Budapest (Budapest Exhibition). The stamp depicts a scene showing Dante and two other figures within a circular frame and has text as follows: in the upper corners: "1321 / 1921"; around the…

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This poster stamp was issued by the Società Dante Alighieri probably in the lates 1920s. The stamp shows a portrait of Dante in the center of a round shield above a sword. In the background is a sailboat on the Gulf of Naples with Mount Vesuvius in…

This poster stamp, likely from around 1920, is in the style of Delandre, pseudonym of Gaston Fontanille, and may have been issued by him.The stamp depicts Cesare Zocchi's 1896 monument to Dante in Trent with the flag of the Kingdom of Italy…

This poster stamp was designed by S. Crestani to commemorate the 700th anniversary of Dante's birth in 1965. The stamp shows a scene with Dante and Virgil next to a larger portrait of Dante and has text as follows: at the top: "VIIo CENTENARIO /…

This set of cinderella stamps was issued by the Federazione italiana contro la tubercolosi e Consorzi provinciali antitubercolari (Italian Federation Against Tuberculosis and Provincial Antituberculosis Consortium) for the "XXVIII CAMPAGNA NAZIONALE…

This set of poster stamps was issued around 1903 to promote a loan program benefiting the Cassa nazionale di previdenza per la invalidità e la vecchiaia degli operai (National Insurance Fund for the Disability and Old Age of Workers) and the Società…

This poster stamp features a left-facing portrait of Dante within a decorative floral background with the faces of three putti. Below the portrait is text as follows: "DANTE-ALIGHIERI / 1265~1321". The version overprinted in blue has "BUDAPEST" and…

This poster stamp commemorates the 600th anniversary of Dante's visit to San Gimignano as an ambassador from Florence as well as the death of Blessed Bartolo in 1300. The stamp shows the coat of arms of San Gimignano above a portrait of Bartolo and…

This poster stamp was issued by Bertieri & Vanzetti of Milan and features the Naples Bust of Dante and a propaganda slogan. The stamp has text as follows: "ITALIANI / DATE LA PREFERENZA / ALLE INDUSTRIE / NAZIONALI" (Italians give preference to…

This poster stamp was issued by Carlo Belloni of Milan and features a paraphrase from Inferno 33:80, "Italia! Il bel paese dove il sì suona......" (Italy! The beautiful country where the "sì" is heard......) followed by the propagandistic phrase "È…

This maximum card and cancellation were commissioned for the philatelic exhibition held in Cesena, Italy, from October 29 to November 1, 2011. The theme of the exhibition was "L'Inferno di Dante" (Dante's Inferno) and 34 members of the Centro…

This poster stamp was issued by the Montevideo, Uruguay, chapter of the Società Dante Alighieri to commemorate the 600th anniversary of the poet's death in 1921. The stamp features the logo of the Società Dante Alighieri which is a portrait of Dante…

This cinderella stamp from the fictional nation of Verneland features Raphael's portrait of Dante from the artist's fresco painting The Parnassus. The stamp is printed directly onto the cover envelope which has a cachet of Giotto's portrait of Dante…

This first day cover was issued by KJM (K. J. Moran) and features a right-facing portrait of Dante with text as follows: at the top: "HONORING"; and at the bottom "ALIGHIERI DANTE / 700th ANNIVERSARY / OF BIRTH / FIRST DAY OF ISSUE / KJM". Except for…

The Milan chapter of the Società Dante Alighieri issued this cinderella stamp in sheets of six in 1985 possibly for the benefit of the Associazione Nazionale Famiglie degli Emigrati (National Association of Families of Emigrants).

The stamp…

This poster stamp features Giotto's portrait of Dante embossed in gold on a dark blue background with a fleur-de-lis in each corner and surrounded by text as follows: "GIORNATA DELLA DANTE ALIGHIERI" (Dante Alighieri Day). Based on its style, the…


This set of five postage stamps was issued by Monaco to celebrate the 700th anniversary of Dante's birth. While the stamps are dated 1965, they were not issued until February 1, 1966. All of the stamps were designed by P. Lambert and the subjects are…

This circular cancellation features a right-facing portrait of Dante based on Sandro Botticelli's fifteenth-century portrait now in the Fondation Martin Bodmer in Cologny, Switzerland. The portrait on the cancellation is reversed from the original.…

This rectangular cancellation features a right-facing portrait of Dante based on the portrait in Raphael's fresco painting The Parnassus. The design echoes the 1965 Mexico postage stamp. To the right of the portrait is text: "DANTE ALIGHIERI / 1265 –…

This circular cancellation depicts a scene from the beginning of the Inferno in which Dante (accompanied by Virgil in this illustration but not in the text) is blocked by three beasts. The scene is taken from a miniature in Codex Urbinate Latino 365,…

This circular cancellation depicts a scene from the beginning of the Inferno in which Dante (accompanied by Virgil in this illustration but not in the text) is blocked by three beasts. The scene is taken from a miniature in Codex Urbinate Latino 365,…

This circular cancellation features a detail from the relief portrait attributed to Pietro Lombardo on Dante's tomb in Ravenna, Italy. Beside the portrait is the Lions Clubs International logo surrounded by text: "RAVENNA / 2009" and "LVII CONGRESSO…

This circular cancellation features left-facing portraits of Dante and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe surrounded by text: "39012 MERANO CENTRO-MERAN ZENTRUM (BZ)", "50oANNIVERSARIO FONDAZIONE ACCADEMIA DI STUDI ITALO-TEDESCHI" (50th anniversary of the…

This square cancellation features a left-facing portrait of Dante surrounded by the following text: "FIRENZE V.R."; "FESTA DELLA TOSCANA" (Tuscany Festival); "PROFILO DI DANTE" (profile of Dante); and "MOSTRA FILATELICA E CARTOLINE" (Philatelic…

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This circular cancellation celebrates the 523rd anniversary of the first printed edition of the Divina commedia. The edition was printed in 1472 in Foligno by Johann Neumeister and Evangelista Angelini. The central image is of an open printed book…

This circular cancellation features a portrait of Dante—based on the Naples Bust—with a globe and open book. The design echoes the 1990 Italian postage stamp issued to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Società Dante Alighieri. Around the central…
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