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  • Tags: Venetia (Modena, Italy)

These first day covers were issued by Venetia (nos. 87-1/V and 87-2/V).The cachet on 87-1/V features a modern interpretation of Raphael's portrait of Dante from the artist's fresco Disputation of the Holy Sacrament in the Apostolic Palace in Vatican…

These first day covers were issued by Venetia (nos. 90-1/SM and 90-2/SM).The cachet on 90-1/SM features a portrait of Charon from Gustave Doré's illustration "Charon and the River Acheron" from Inferno 3:82–84 with text as follows: at the top: "PRIMO…

This first day cover was issued by Venetia (641-2/It). The cachet features a modern representation of part of Piazza dei Signori executed in red and brown with "PIAZZA / DEI SIGNORI" at the bottom.

This first day cover was issued by Venetia (333/It.). The cachet features a portrait of Dante in a modern style, executed in green with text in blue: over the portrait: "DIVI / NACO / MME / DIA."; and above the portrait: "primo giorno di emissione"…

These first day covers were issued by Venetia (nos. 223/It. and 223-2/It.).The cachet on 223/It. features a portrait of Dante in a modern style with text as follows: vertically, on the left: "DANTE ALIGHIERI"; and at the top: "PRIMO GIORNO DI…
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