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These poster stamps were issued in Italy around 1918 to promote the Opera nazionale pro orfani infanti (National Work for Orphaned Infants). The stamps feature a version of Giotto's portrait of Dante with the addition of a right hand holding a stem…

This poster stamp was designed by S. Crestani to commemorate the 700th anniversary of Dante's birth in 1965. The stamp shows a scene with Dante and Virgil next to a larger portrait of Dante and has text as follows: at the top: "VIIo CENTENARIO /…

This poster stamp was issued to commemorate the 600th anniversary of Dante's death in 1921 and shows Dante in the center of a ceremonial wreath holding a copy of the Divina commedia; above the wreath are the coat of arms of Chile on the left and of…

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This poster stamp is number 10 in a series depicting landmarks and views of Trent. The stamp depicts Cesare Zocchi's 1896 monument to Dante in that city and has text as follows: at the top: "Serie Trient." (Trent series); at the bottom:…

This poster stamp has the initials "SI" (possibly for "Società italiana"?) in blue centered among portraits of four Italian authors in red: Dante Alighieri, Lodovico Ariosto, Luigi Pirandello, and Alessandro Manzoni. The portrait of Dante is based on…

This poster stamp was issued by the Società Dante Alighieri probably in the lates 1920s. The stamp shows a portrait of Dante in the center of a round shield above a sword. In the background is a sailboat on the Gulf of Naples with Mount Vesuvius in…

This series of seals presumably was produced by or for a local chapter of the Società Dante Alighieri in the 1990s. Each seal features Giotto's portrait of Dante, the letters "SDA" vertically along the left side, and the year at the bottom. The seals…

This set of poster stamps was issued for the Società Dante Alighieri's 33rd congress held in Treviso-Vittorio, Italy, in 1928. The stamps feature a left-facing portrait of Dante below a sunrise and text as follows: "SOCIETÀ NAZIONALE / 'DANTE…

This poster stamp was issued by the Montevideo, Uruguay, chapter of the Società Dante Alighieri to commemorate the 600th anniversary of the poet's death in 1921. The stamp features the logo of the Società Dante Alighieri which is a portrait of Dante…

This set of poster stamps was issued by the Mantua chapter of the Società Dante Alighieri, probably in 1930 when the SDA's 35th congress was held in that city. The stamps depict a scene from the base of Cesare Zocchi's 1896 monument to Dante in Trent…

This poster stamp was issued by the Curitiba, Brazil, chapter of the Società Dante Alighieri to commemorate the 600th anniversary of the poet's death in 1921. The stamp features a portrait of Dante surrounded by text as follows: vertically along the…

This series of poster stamps was issued by the Società Dante Alighieri, probably in the 1910s. The stamps depict a woman reading a book to a group of children, a father and son, and mother with baby. Behind the group is a bust of Dante, a book, and…

Tobler, the Swiss chocolate company, issued these poster stamps as no. 370 in their "Poets and Philosophers" series.Both stamps use the "somewhat oldwomanly likeness" of Dante drawn by Stefano Tofanelli and engraved by Raffaello Morghen in the…

This poster stamp is no. 4 in the second series of "MARCHE NAZIONALISTE" (nationalist stamps) featuring "ITALIANI ILLUSTRI" (illustrious Italians) issued by U. Marucelli & Co. of Milan. The stamp features a portrait of Dante and a propaganda…

These poster stamps make up nos. 9–16 in the twenty-second series of "MARCHE NAZIONALISTE" (nationalist stamps) issued by U. Marucelli & Co. of Milan. The stamps feature various subjects related to Dante, as follows:No. 9: Bust of Dante No. 10:…

This is a press photograph for the 1965 United States Dante commemorative postage stamp. The photograph shows a black and white image of the stamp with the following notice: "This photograph my be reproduced for philatelic, educational, historical…
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