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This circular cancellation feature a line-drawing version of Laure Fissore's portrait of Dante on the 2015 Monaco stamp she designed. The text is as follows: "OFFICE DES TIMBRES MONACO"; "09.04.2015"; and "JOUR D'EMISSION".

This rectangular cancellation features a right-facing portrait of Dante based on the portrait in Raphael's fresco painting The Parnassus. The design echoes the 1965 Mexico postage stamp. To the right of the portrait is text: "DANTE ALIGHIERI / 1265 –…

For the 125th Veronafil exhibition.

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This circular cancellation echoes the 1987 Italian postage stamp that is was designed to accompany. The cancellation and the stamp show the same view of Piazza dei Signori in Verona, Italy, with Ugo Zannoni's 1865 statue of Dante in front of the…

This square cancellation was created for the "5A MOSTRA FILATELICA NAZIONALE" (5th National Philatelic Exhibition). In addition to that text, the cancellation features a left-facing portrait of Dante and the following text: "38100 TRENTO C.P.",…

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This square cancellation commemorates the centenary of and depicts Cesare Zocchi's 1896 monument to Dante in Trent, Italy.

Place of cancellation: Torino, Italy, 10121

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This cancellation mirrors the 2011 Italian postage stamp for the "GIORNATA DELLA FILATELIA" (Philately Day) designed by Gaetano Ieluzzo. The cancellation reproduces the 1965 Italian 500-lire postage stamp showing the Naples Bust of Dante; the Italian…

This circular cancellation depicts a scene from the beginning of the Inferno in which Dante (accompanied by Virgil in this illustration but not in the text) is blocked by three beasts. The scene is taken from a miniature in Codex Urbinate Latino 365,…

This circular cancellation features a portrait of Dante—based on the Naples Bust—with a globe and open book. The design echoes the 1990 Italian postage stamp issued to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Società Dante Alighieri. Around the central…

Cancellation featuring portrait of Dante from Marcello Toninelli's comic strip version of the Divina commedia. Celebrates Cartoon Club Rimini – 37th Festival Internazionale del Cinema d'Animazione, del Fumetto e dei Games (International Festival of…

This circular cancellation features a detail from the relief portrait attributed to Pietro Lombardo on Dante's tomb in Ravenna, Italy. Beside the portrait is the Lions Clubs International logo surrounded by text: "RAVENNA / 2009" and "LVII CONGRESSO…

This rectangular cancellation features Dante's tomb in Ravenna to the left of a text box: "RAVENNA / 1321 – 1971 / 650o / ANNIVERSARIO / MORTE DI DANTE".

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This circular cancellation features left-facing portraits of Dante and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe surrounded by text: "39012 MERANO CENTRO-MERAN ZENTRUM (BZ)", "50oANNIVERSARIO FONDAZIONE ACCADEMIA DI STUDI ITALO-TEDESCHI" (50th anniversary of the…

This cancellation features a right-facing portrait of Dante surrounded by the phrase "65oCONGRESSO INT.LE-SOCIETÀ DANTE ALIGHIERI" (65th International Congress - Società Dante Alighieri).

This circular cancellation celebrates the 523rd anniversary of the first printed edition of the Divina commedia. The edition was printed in 1472 in Foligno by Johann Neumeister and Evangelista Angelini. The central image is of an open printed book…

This square cancellation features a left-facing portrait of Dante surrounded by the following text: "FIRENZE V.R."; "FESTA DELLA TOSCANA" (Tuscany Festival); "PROFILO DI DANTE" (profile of Dante); and "MOSTRA FILATELICA E CARTOLINE" (Philatelic…

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